Magic Butter
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Baron von Butter and his acquaintances: Gentle magician, dictator, and manic busybody with zero social skills! Abracadabra! Something breaks: A leg, a soul, the whole nine yards! But in the maelstrom of his crazy show, surrounded by naked acrobats, divas and philosophising apes, he gets away with everything. Show-offs live forever!

Duration: Approx. 30 Minutes . Stage dimensions: 3 m wide, 3 m deep, 2,80 m high . Directed by Andrea Post . Puppets by Claudia Engel . Created by Claudia Engel and Matthias Ludwig

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zurückflunker produktionen, Wahlsdorf 35, Anbau Schloß, 15936 Dahme/Mark, Tel: 01 73 / 3 68 98 63; email: